Annette has spent the past year volunteering for our home visit service and created friendships with two of our beautiful clients. Recently, Annette has stepped into an Administration Officer role and we feel so blessed to have her.

Read on to learn more about Annette.
What does your role involve?
Taking a lot of phone calls from clients, and making sure they get their transport on the right day and time. Other than that, it's just a normal office kind of role by helping everyone out.
How long have you worked at RangeCare?
So I've been about three weeks in this position, and before that almost a year volunteering with the home visit service, visiting two of my beautiful ladies.
When and how did you first learn about RangeCare?
I'd just returned from overseas in hotel quarantine and I happened to see a bit of a blurb advertisement looking for volunteers to do the home visits and I thought "what a wonderful way to to help out". Because we'd been overseas for six years, that was my first kind of "oh wow how lovely!" with RangeCare.
Where were you traveling for those six years?
I was in the UAE!
How would you describe RangeCare?
They perform such a great service and there's so many lovely things that they do. There's the transport, the home care, the centres where people can come and do activities and have lunch, it's just such a lovely, welcoming community.
What’s the most inspiring part of your role?
Inspiring? I think it's getting to help people, especially our elderly, and just being there for them!
What is a challenge in your role?
I think it's going past the kitchen in The Cottage! There's all these beautiful aromas and I'm always like "mmmm what's cooking today?" haha.
Do you have a favourite memory working at RangeCare?
I think it would be my two lovely clients [from the home visit service]. I've only been in this position for three weeks, so not too many memories since then! Just my two lovely ladies.
What was your first paying job?
While I was at school on a Thursday night and a Saturday morning I worked at the cafeteria at Myer.
What’s a fun fact most people don’t know about you?
I held an Australian Judo title! I did Judo from I think grade 6, so around 11 or 12, and I had won state titles and everything, then I think when I was about 17 when I won it.
What are your hobbies?
I love travelling, not doing so much of that these days, obviously! Only around the local area and stuff now. I'm a patchwork and quilter, I enjoy reading, belong to a book club, and hiking and that sort of thing.
Would you recommend working at RangeCare and why?
Absolutely! My three weeks have just been lovely, everyone has been so lovely, and friendly, and welcoming, and helpful, and it hasn't been a chore at all!