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Writer's pictureToni Hinton

Meet our new Senior Nurse Karen!

The RangeCare nursing team has grown, and now includes a Senior Nurse, Karen!

We caught up with Karen recently and asked her about her experience working at RangeCare so far.

Read on to learn more about Karen.

What does your position involve?

I'm part of the nursing team, but I have that oversight of the nurses and just make sure we comply with everything. And that we have professionalism, and supporting the nurses to be able to do what they do.

How long have you been with RangeCare?

I have been with RangeCare since the end of March. Only new but settling in and enjoying it.

How did you first learn about RangeCare?

I saw the position advertised. At the time I was looking for something and it just sounded like it really suited me. I've done some community nursing before in management positions so it seemed ideal and I love The Range so it really fitted.

How would you describe RangeCare?

I actually really love RangeCare and the organisation. I love management and how they go about things. They are really structured and really putting everything together in the best way to support what RangeCare does and everybody that works here is amazing. Just such friendly staff and really committed to the clients and the community.

What is the most inspiring part of your role?

I think keeping people in their own homes are really inspiring. I saw a 97 year old lady yesterday who said "I just want to stay in my own home, I have lived here for 77 years". To be apart of a team that enables that is a really good feeling.

What is a challenge in your role?

The biggest challenge I think is just the unpredictability. Sometimes we have our day planned and then we get a call to go and see someone, but it is really lovely to be able to offer that support and service at the same time.

Do you have a favourite memory working at RangeCare?

I think my favourite memory already is the clients that we have and I really have already grown attached to different people, so it's really a joy to go and see them. They just have such rich lives so it's just lovely to have that.

What was your first job?

My first job was a checkout chick, followed by McDonalds and then into nursing.

What is a fun fact about you?

I just love horses and being around them and the energy that they bring. I do a little bit of riding, academic sort of riding style so riding the horse is done at liberty and that companionship. Yeah I really love them.

Do you have hobby?

My horses, and I am also an artist so I do a lot of painting in my spare time. It keeps me really busy.

Would you recommend working at RangeCare?

Absolutely, and the people that I have known and staff from other organisations it's almost like come to RangeCare, bring them in because I think it's just such a, it's like a little family and so friendly and just a really lovely place to work.

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